I Fell on My Abdomen Over a Week Ago Bruise Continues to Grow

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My stomach feels bruised

So this may sound weird but last week I started feeling a burning feeling at the top of my stomach, right under my chest. I assumed it was indigestion but now that feeling has turned into a "bruised" feeling. It almost feels like I bumped my stomach, caused a bruise and now every time I touch it it hurts. The baby doesn't kick in that area at all. The pain comes for hours at a time and then it's gone. But when it returns it's in the same spot. I had a doctors appointment today and the doctor didn't seem to worried but I am. Tonight it hurts to laugh or even to tap my finger over the spot. Has anyone else had this problem?


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How far along are you? I actually just started having this issue last week.. It was burning when I laid on my side and felt so sore to touch. It's mostly gone now but now my belly button feels bruised. My doctor just said its baby and not to worry but it's annoying ! No idea what it is but you're not alone


Thanks for responding! I'm 32 weeks. Today was by far the worst. It was so sore and would get tight when I laughed. I find it weird that it's only in that one spot. It seriously feels like someone punched me in the stomach and left a bruise.. she never moves or kicks that high so I doubt it was from her. Idk what to think but I hate not knowing whats going on.


Maybe from everything up there getting squished... I have no idea and my OB looked at me like I was a nut job when I told him I felt bruised and chalked it up to "pregnancy hurts" Hopefully it eases up for you :)

I told my doctor that my stomach was sore to touch and felt like a bruise and she told me since I am petite and don't have a lot of fat that I am sensitive to touching babies bum and/or head since there is not much separating them from my skin. If that makes any sense at all.

I get this, just above my belly button but to the left, was the right for a few times but then the left. It's weird, always the same spot. I asked my normal GP about it (going to ask at my antenatal appointment tomorrow as well). It seems to happen when I am on my feet for longer that day than normal, and I'll have it for the rest of the day/ night, when I wake in the morning it's gone. She said it's just stretching of the uterus..... but if feel a little unsure of that as I thought it would have been at the top of my uterus if that was the case. I'll ask at tomorrows appointment and let you know what they say

They said it's from the muscles stretching.


Thanks for the follow up.. it's such an annoying pain. And it's getting worst. only 7 more weeks! Good luck!


I feel you! 7 weeks at the most!! Bring it on! I'm over the aches and pains and can't wait to meet the little man. Good luck!


Hey, has your pain let up yet? I'm still constantly in pain and it's becoming uncomfortable. I really don't think it's normal pregnancy pain. I'm going to call my doctor in the morning.

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Source: https://community.whattoexpect.com/forums/december-2016-babies/topic/my-stomach-feels-bruised.html

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